Sunday, November 29, 2009

Need Advice...?

Hey Everyone~

I wanted some advice as to how to help a friend who is chatting with a pedophile.

When I was about 10 years old, I stayed over at my best friends' house at least 10 nights a month, I mean, a LOT.

I was spending the night one night and her older brother (I believe he was 15 at the time) came into my friends' room, where we were both sleeping, and I remember waking up in the middle of the night to him over me. He touched me and did very explicit things to me, and I pretended to be asleep because I was afraid. Thankfully, there was some noise down the hall, like someone else was up, and he turned and hurried out of the room.

I just recently learned he had done similar things to my 3-years-my-junior sister, had touched her (though in less explicit ways, thank god) and at the same time discovered he has a myspace. He joined the marines a couple months ago and I looked through his profile. It's all girly, with an ''a walk to remember'' background, girly pics --continued--

Need Advice...?

Honey dont let this creep get away with one more minute of it...turn his *** in and save a countless # of girls from feeling the way you had to, he WONT stop and the next step is rape and the military and tell them what you know you can be annomyos if you want-there are web places on myspace to turn in creeps like this tell them, do you want to be responsible for her loosing her innocence??? I put my ex in jail for 13 years, he got out and repeated his crimes on another 10 year old...they dont stop they need to be put in the cages they belong in. If you just let this slide..then you are held accountable to every victim he gets from here....and you dont deserve what he did to you...and neither do they, common brave...stop the will find when you do all his victims will come out of the woodworks...he is a murder to all that is good and innocent and should be treated as brave...

Need Advice...?

he needs help and it won't go away by itself.if he don't then someone else will end up the same or worse

Need Advice...?

well i cant say the old statment "...well if i were you i would have..." because i dont know what i would have done...but i can tell you that i think you need to tell her and if that doesnt work the police...

thats nothing to play aroung with. and what if your right. that guy could be getting away with all kinds of stuff and that would be so wrong to just let him get over on you and her.

if you do go to the police...make sure you can get your 3 year junior watever she is to tell her story too...that way it wont look like your just making up stuff....

be sure to have dates and places, (if not the time of the incidents) close as possible that will help.

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